About Pasco County Housing Authority
PCHA is a non-profit organization established by Pasco County in 1973 and released from the County as a separate entity in 1977. The Authority was established in accordance with Florida Statutes to develop, manage, and maintain low income housing and housing assistance programs for low income families, disabled, elderly, and single citizens of Pasco County. The Authority has over 2000 units under management in various housing programs.
The Low Rent Housing Programs consists of Public Housing, Section 8 New Construction, and USDA Rural Development units that are owned and rented by the Housing Authority. Applications for these communities are always accepted.
The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program utilizes privately owned properties that are leased to tenants with the Housing Authority paying a portion of the monthly rent to owner with the balance being paid by the tenant. This program operates throughout Pasco County. Applications for this program are only accepted during advertised times.
The Pasco County Housing Authority is TTY accessible for the hearing impaired and handicapped accessible.
Hearing Impaired Dial 7-1-1 for Florida relay

Our mission
The mission of the Pasco County Housing Authority is to assist low-income families with safe, decent, and affordable housing opportunities as they strive to achieve self-sufficiency and improve the quality of their lives. The Housing Authority is committed to operating in an efficient, ethical, and professional manner.
The Housing Authority will create and maintain partnerships with its clients and appropriate community agencies in order to accomplish this mission.